All About Black Tourmaline

All About Black Tourmaline

About Black (Shorl) Tourmaline:
Tourmaline is a family of minerals, and one of the only families of minerals that come in every color of the rainbow. Each color of Tourmaline can be referred to by it's color and then the family name "Tourmaline" or by its classification name based on the exact hue. For example Blue Tourmaline can simply be referred to as "Blue Tourmaline" or it can be referred to based on the exact hue of blue with names such as: Indigolite or Indicolite. Black Tourmaline can be referred to simply as Black Tourmaline or it's more technical name "Shorl". The name Tourmaline comes from turamali which was a name given to ancient stones found in what is now modern day Sir Lunka. Sri Lankan called at the time Ceylon was known as "Rathna deepa" in Sanskrit meaning "The Island of Jewells". Tourmaline was one of the stunning riches that came from Ceylon and was at the time known as turmali, changed in more modern times to Tourmaline. Sri Lanka, formerly known as Ceylon, remains one of the most important sources for fine gemstones in the world today and produces spectacular colored Sapphires; Alexandrite, Ruby,  Chrysoberyl, and Garnet.

Crystal Healing with Black Tourmaline: 
Black Tourmaline or Shorl eliminates unwanted energies, grounds the chakras, body and mind to the earth, and clears negativity. It can also ground other minerals and their energies. Putting Black Tourmaline with crystal spreads or grids can cause all the energies to come into harmony with one another and can help them to work more cohesively for their intended purpose. Putting Black Tourmaline in your workspace can assist in keeping business and professional matters from bleeding over into personal emotions, and keep personal issues of everyone in your workspace from bleeding into work matters. Black Tourmaline is one of our top 25 minerals to start your crystal healing journey with and is a staple for any crystal energy worker. 


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